Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Underdogs were never meant to rule this world. They were meant to be losers, sent to eternal condemnation. Yet every once and in a while, underdogs have shown that they can outshine the rest and hung out on top. Do you remember the yesteryears when Greece won Euro '02 or when the Detroit Pistons defeated the L.A Lakers back in '04 for the NBA title. I always had a love for the underdogs because I always felt I was one. Since young, I was not the smartest, not the most athletic, not the most skilled. So I think my parents were a little worried about how this kid will turn out. So far, I think I fared alright. I surprised even myself sometimes. I was made to believe I was going into the normal stream and made to believe that I should go to the polytechinc.( No offence to those within this catergory) But I guess with a little bit of hard work, struggle and luck, I made it where I am today.( Just a little disappointed I can't get into NUS though) Anyways, underdogs are a little special I think. They are probably not as skilled or intelligent, but I think they have a little more hunger in them than the most of us cause they believe they have something to prove. They will fight til the end. That is why you people should give support to underdogs too.


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