Hey there everybody. It's the new year. New start for everyone. For me, I got new targets and goals I want to achieve this year. I don't want to set too high of a goal and neither do I want to set too many goals. So I'm just going to list 5 and see if I can achieve it by January 1st 2010. So here goes. ( In no particular order) I want to achieve a cap of above 4.0. I want to lose weight. I want to be more proactive in the organizations that I am in. I want to more organized. I want to be more approachable. So there you have it. My top 5 goals in the new year. Achievable? I don't know. All I know is that very soon the house is going to be very quiet. Gabs is leaving for the army and Archiechiban is leaving for Aussieland. That makes me the only kid in the house. Technically I am not a kid anymore. But as you all know, in your parents eyes we are all still kidos. I been talking to my Dad about my goals and my aims, and I think seriously I think he is firstly getting very bored about what I have to say but most importantly, he is seeing the maturity in me. Am I damn mature. No. Nevertheless, I think when I usually have a goal I will keep to it and make it sacred. Actually I wanted to post alot of things but my mind is in a mess right now. I got alot of things I want to settle, alot of mini goals to clear. I have to settle SK Mama bday, get ready for my last complete CNY with my family, starting reading up for my next sem, bid for my mods and tutorial slots, prepare to get into lectors' exco, and get ready for UG camp 09. I really excited for the last one though. I am taking over as Assistant Camp Commandant. Its really an honor to work along side this bunch of kids, but really this time round I have to get to know them better. Especially Zhisheng. He is one hell of a quiet guy. I should trash talk him more often. Bring my lame game on. But the most important thing of cause is to let the cadets have a fantastic time. Let them enjoy. Last year was a success in some ways but there is always ways to improve. (right instructors?) I hope this year the girl guides instructors will be back to help. (Especially Junie and SK) Sk, all I want to tell you is that you were by far the best female instructor in last year camp. You were virtually running 4 posts including group i/c, f&b 2 i/c, station i/c and helping out with the campfire. You were totally amazing. If the main comm loses you, I think it will be very hard to replicate the same standard we have set for ourselves last year. Junie, you were taking my current position along with the campfire. The camp was a success in many aspects and I think you knew that. And you also know that a campfire, any campfire for that matter, is the highlight of a camp! I think you are a master of campfire. Wei Ren actually wants me to plan this year's one but I really want to learn from you about how to host one properly. No point sending me to the dungeons right. I am not a guy known to speak serious stuff but there you have it. So please for the love of Greg,hop on board. For the current moment, I have too many ideas zoom in my head and for tomorrow's meet up, I am going to say my 2 cents' worth. This might sound way off but my friend told me I have some weird ideas like I am super strong advocate of special term. In fact, I am planning to do 2 mods this coming special sem 2. Crazy right? It eats into holidays, too expensive, blablabla... But oh what the heck I am on PMS (Papa Mama scholarship). Officially I been telling people I want to slack but the real reason is that by doing special term, it means you can technically do less mods at the normal sem. It means that the chances for me to burnout lowers and I can do better right? Makes sense what. Why don't you guys ever listen to my advice. Haha. Well this should be all the crap I have to say today. TO Sierra Whiskey, keep fighting. I will be rooting for you. Whiskey Whiskey, I just don't know what to say to you anymore.
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